Upsolver support portal

Log in to the Upsolver Support Portal

To view and submit support cases, you must log in to the Upsolver Support Portal at

Keep in mind that you are required to have an Upsolver's account to login support. A support account should be automatically generated after you sign up for Upsolver. The username and password should be the same as your Upsolver login.

Create a support case

To create a new support case, click the Submit a request button in the top right corner.

You’ll see the Submit a request form. Fill out all of the required fields and click Submit at the bottom of the page to create your support case.

Be sure to select the correct Priority, because this determines the response time with your ticket.

Update or respond to a support case

After you submit a case, you are automatically redirected to the case details page.

On this page you can review previously added comments or add a new comment at the bottom of the page.

Alternatively, you can respond to a support case by replying to the new comment notifications that are sent to your email inbox.

If you navigate away from the case details page, you can always return by clicking the My activities button on the top right corner.

Close a support case

You may close the case by clicking on Mark as solved. If you add to the conversation after closing the case, it will be automatically reopened.

Last updated