Create an output

This article provides a general guide on how to create an output in Upsolver.

1. From the Outputs page, click New.

2. Select the desired output type.

For more detailed instructions tailored to a specific output type, See: Data outputs

3. Name this output.

4. If prompted, select whether the output should be Tabular or Hierarchical.

5. Select the input data source.

6. For databases, choose either to create a new table or output to an existing one.

7. Click Next.

If you selected to output to an existing table in a database, you will need to configure the database options. See: Database output options

Click Properties to review this output's properties. See: Output properties

How many of the events in this data source include this field, expressed as a percentage (e.g. 20.81%).

The percentage distribution of the field values. These distribution values can be exported by clicking Export.

The number of fields in the selected hierarchy.

Note: All numbers are mapped to doubles by default. Change this to BIGINT if you know that your numbers are integers.

Toggle from UI to SQL at any point to view the corresponding SQL code for your selected output. See: Modify an output in SQL

11. Add any required calculated fields and review them in the Calculated Fields tab. See: Add calculated fields

12. Add any required lookups and review them under the Calculated Fields tab.

13. Through the Filters tab, add a filter like WHERE in SQL to the data source. See: Add filters

14. Click Make Aggregated to turn the output into an aggregated output. Read the warning before clicking OK and then add the required aggregation. This aggregation field will then be added to the Schema tab. See: Aggregation functions

15. In the Aggregation Calculated Fields area under the Calculated Fields tab, add any required calculated fields on aggregations. See: Functions, Aggregation functions

16. If applicable, partition the data by clicking More > Manage Partitions and then selecting the following:

  • Key: Partitions the data table using one or more fields (or calculated fields)

  • Partitioning Time: Partitions the data table using a specific time field

17. If applicable, keep only the latest event per upsert key by clicking More > Manage Upserts and selecting the following:

  • Keys: A unique key identifying a row in the table

  • Deletions: The delete key (events with the value true in their deletion key field will be deleted)

See: Data types and features, How do upserts work?

Click Preview at any time to view a preview of your current output.

18. Click Run and fill out the required fields to properly deploy your output.

Run an output

Last updated