General output properties
This page provides a list of the properties that can be found under the general section of output properties.
Properties have been sorted as:
properties most outputs have
e.g. Amazon S3, Google Storage, etc.
e.g. Amazon Athena, Qubole, etc.
e.g. Snowflake, MySQL, etc.
Note: Properties listed below may not apply to all outputs.
Property | Description |
Data Sources | The required data sources to base the output on. |
Override Window Size | If enabled, this feature can be set to minutes, hours, or days, or Infinite Override Size. For example, if you wish to create an hourly output that will aggregate data for the last day, then the output interval should be 1 hour, but override window size should be 1 day. This option is useful when used in combination with upserts. For example, if you want the latest total count of events per user, set the Override Window to infinite; in this case, every time an event arises for a user, the updated total count for the user is upserted, and the old record is deleted. |
Reporting Tags | Tags that can be sent to external monitoring systems. |
Path | The desired path for data to be exported to. If left empty, a system generated unique path will be used. |
Property | Description |
Date Format | How output will be partitioned by time (e.g. yyyy/MM/dd). |
Output Format | File format for output. |
<Storage> Connection | Connection string for storage location. |
Tabular | Whether or not the output is tabular. |
Hive Metastores
Property | Description |
Partition Size | The output partition size (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Yearly). |
Compression | The compression applied to the output (None, GZip, or Snappy). |
Run Compactions | Whether to run compactions on the output. |
Excluded Partitions | The partitions to exclude. You can import, export, or edit the list. |
S3 Storage | S3 storage location where Upsolver stores the intermediate bulk files before uploading. |
Property | Description |
Skip Failed Files | If enabled, when a load fails the manifest of that load will be skipped. The skipped manifest will be saved aside for manual re-processing once the copy error has been fixed. |
Fail on Write Error | If enabled, any error while copying to the target will cause the load to fail. If disabled the same behavior will occur after 100K errors (The max allowed by Redshift) |
<Database> Connection | Connection string of database connected to this output. |
Schema | Schema of this output. |
Table Name | Name of output table. |
Intermediate Storage Location | Where Upsolver stores the intermediate bulk files before uploading. |
Lookup Tables
Property | Description |
Window | Window of time to keep in lookup table. |
Omit Key Columns | Whether or not to store the key columns in the lookup table. This saves space if enabled, but prevents iteration from returning the key columns. |
Real Time | Load data into this lookup table directly from the input stream using a real time cluster if one is deployed. |
Property | Description |
Kinesis Connection | Connection string for Kinesis stream. |
Stream Name | Name of stream output is written to. |
Intermediate Storage | Location where Upsolver stores the intermediate bulk files before uploading. |
Tabular | Whether or not the output is tabular. |
Property | Description |
Delete Indices | Delete indices from ElasticSearch based on retention period. |
Connection | Elasticsearch connection string. |
Index Name | Name of index output is written to. |
Index Partition Size | Size of index partition. |
S3 Connection | S3 storage location where Upsolver stores the intermediate bulk files before uploading. |
Property | Description |
Kafka Hosts | Comma-separated list of |
Topic Name | Name of topic this output is written to. |
Additional Kafka Properties | Tags that can be sent to external monitoring systems. |
Intermediate Storage | Location where Upsolver stores the intermediate bulk files before uploading. |
Tabular | Whether or not the output is tabular. |
Last updated