External API functions
This page goes over the external API functions in Upsolver.
Use an IP Address to lookup geo information.
IP Address - The IP address to use for geo ip information lookup
Attributes - The attribute to extract for the given IP address
IP Address | Attributes | result |
Parse the user agent and extract a parameter from it.
User Agent String - String representation of a user agent
Attributes - The attributes to extract
User Agent String | Attributes | result |
"Mozilla/5.0 (*Mac OS X 10?12*) adbeat.com* Version* Safari*" | ["Matching Pattern", "Rendering Engine Maker", "Rendering Engine Description", "Rendering Engine Version", "Rendering Engine Name", "Device Brand Name", "Device Code Name", "Device Pointing Method", "Device Type", "Device Maker", "Device Name", "Aol Version", "Css Version", "Is Modified", "Is Anonymized", "Is Fake", "Crawler", "Is SyndicationReader", "Is Tablet", "Is MobileDevice", "ActiveX Controls", "Java Applets", "VBScript", "JavaScript", "BackgroundSounds", "Cookies", "Tables", "IFrames", "Frames", "Win64", "Win32", "Win16", "Beta", "Alpha", "Platform Maker", "Platform Bits", "Platform Description", "Platform Version", "Platform", "Minor Version", "Major Version", "Version", "Browser Modus", "Browser Maker", "Browser Bits", "Browser Type", "Browser", "Comment", "Parent", "LiteMode", "Master Parent"] | {"Matching Pattern" :"Mozilla/5.0 (*Mac OS X 10?12*) adbeat.com* Version* Safari*", "Rendering Engine Maker": "Apple Inc ","Rendering Engine Description": "For Google Chrome, iOS(including both mobile Safari, WebViews within third -party apps,and web clips),Safari, Arora, Midori, OmniWeb, Shiira, iCab since version 4, Web,SRWare Iron, Rekonq,and in Maxthon 3.", "Rendering Engine Version": "", "Rendering Engine Name": "WebKit", "Device Brand Name": "Apple", "Device Code Name": "Macintosh", "Device Pointing Method": "mouse", "Device Type": "Desktop", "Device Maker": "Apple Inc", "Device Name": "Macintosh", "Aol Version": "0", "Css Version": "0", "Is Modified": "false", "Is Anonymized": "false", "Is Fake": "false", "Crawler": "true", "Is SyndicationReader ":"false", "Is Tablet": "false", "Is MobileDevice": "false", "ActiveX Controls": "false", "Java Applets": "true", "VBScript": "false", "JavaScript": "false", "BackgroundSounds": "false", "Cookies": "false", "Tables": "false", "IFrames": "false", "Frames": "false", "Win64": "false", "Win32": "false", "Win16": "false", "Beta": "false", "Alpha": "false", "Platform Maker": "Apple Inc", "Platform Bits": "32", "Platform Description ":"macOS", "Platform Version": "10.12", "Platform": "macOS", "Minor Version": "0" "Major Version": "0", "Version": "0.0", "Browser Modus": "", "Browser Maker": "adbeat.com", "Browser Bits":"32", "Browser Type": "Bot/Crawler", "Browser": "Adbeat Bot", "Comment": "Adbeat", "Parent": "Adbeat", "LiteMode": "false", "Master Parent": "false"} |
Extracts user agent info using WURFL engine.
User Agent - The User Agent string to parse
Connection - The connection to the bucket that contains the browsers.list file
Wurfl File - The path to the browsers.list file within the connection
Last updated