Quick guide: Athena data output

This page provides a quick video tutorial on how to create an Amazon Athena data output in Upsolver along with a corresponding written guide.

If you haven’t signed up for Upsolver, follow the guides to deploy Upsolver and create an Amazon AWS S3 data source first.

Upsolver supports sending data to various data outputs including but not limited to:

  • Amazon Athena

  • Amazon RedShift Spectrum

  • Upsolver

  • Amazon RedShift

  • MySQL

  • Elasticsearch

  • Amazon S3

  • HDFS

  • Google storage

  • Microsoft Azure storage

  • Qubole

  • Amazon SageMaker

  • Lookup table

  • Amazon Kinesis

  • Kafka

  • Snowflake

This guide provides a very simple data output without any complex transformations from the data source. However, Upsolver has many powerful transformation features; future guides will go over each feature in detail.

Create a new data output

1. Create a new data output by clicking on Output and New Output.

2. Select Amazon Athena as your output type.

3. Provide a name for the data output. In this case, we will use the name covid_data_demo_athena. Make sure it’s mapped to an existing data source; then click Next.

Add the following columns:

  • aged_70_older

  • continent

  • date

  • new_cases

  • population

There are many powerful capabilities available such as aggregations, filters, calculations, lookup tables for joining, and more. These features will be covered on a later guide.

5. Click Preview to check that the output data is as expected, then click Run.

6. Make sure an existing Athena database is available for the output. If not, create a new database.

7. Fill out the Athena database and table information for output then click Next.

8. Choose the time period for the data that you want to load then click Deploy.

Access your data in Athena

1. Verify a table was automatically created under the database and table name defined previously in step 7.

2. Run the following query in Athena. The query shows the number of seniors from each continent according to the data set.

SELECT COUNT(aged_70_older) AS number_of_seniors, continent, new cases
FROM <your table name>
GROUP BY continent, new_cases
ORDER BY new_cases DESC;

Success! Congratulations, you have created your first Upsolver data output.

What’s next?

This guide provides a very simple output without complex transformations from the source. Check out our next guide to learn more about Upsolver's powerful transformation features:

Quick guide: SQL data transformation

Last updated