Microsoft Azure AD with SAML sign-on
This procedure describes how to configure Microsoft Azure with SAML sign-on.
Last updated
This procedure describes how to configure Microsoft Azure with SAML sign-on.
Last updated
1. In Microsoft Azure, in the sidebar of the Azure Active Directory, select Enterprise applications.
2. Click New Application and then click Non-gallery application.
3. In the Name field, enter Upsolver and then click Add.
4. Under Getting Started, click Set up single sign-on and then click SAML.
5. Within Basic SAML Configuration, click Edit.
6. Copy the information from Upsolver into the following fields:
Identifier (Entity ID) — copy from the Audience URI in Upsolver.
Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Services URL) — copy from the Single Sign On URL in Upsolver.
The Single Sign On URL and the Audience URI can both be found by navigating to the SAML Integration page (More > SAML).
7. Click Save.
8. Within User Attributes and Claims, click Edit.
9. Click Add new claim to add the following claims:
10. Click Add a group claim and select All groups.
11. In the Source attribute field, if you are using Active Directory, select sAMAccountName. Otherwise, leave this as Group ID.
12. In the Advanced options, check Customize the name of the group claim.
13. In the Name field, enter groups then click Save.
14. In Upsolver, click Edit Integration and copy the information from the SAML-based Sign-on page in Azure into the following fields:
Single Sign On URL — copy from the Login URL field in Azure.
Identity Provider Issuer — copy from the Azure AD Identifier field in Azure.
X 509 Certificate — copy from the Certificate (Base64) field in Azure.
15. To test access to Upsolver, click Test in Azure on the SAML-based Sign-on page.
16. Click Sign in as current user.
17. Complete the procedure as described above.
Source attribute