Upsolver VPC

This article walks through what it means to deploy Upsolver to Upsolver's VPC and how to do so.

This option allows you to deploy cluster servers to Upsolver's fully managed VPC, making it easy to get up and running quickly.

If you prefer to manage your own servers, you can use your own VPC instead.

Requirements for integration

Before you can integrate your Upsolver account with AWS, you must have a user in AWS with permissions to:

  • Run Cloud Formation scripts

  • Create and manage user roles

  • Create and manage S3 buckets

Integrate AWS using Upsolver VPC

Before you can use Upsolver, you must integrate Upsolver into your AWS account in order to provide read and write access to the data Upsolver will be processing.

The following resources are created when you integrate with AWS using the Upsolver VPC option:

This is the role that Upsolver's servers use to connect to and process your data.

To integrate AWS using Upsolver VPC:

1. Log in to your Upsolver account. You will be prompted to integrate your account with AWS.

2. Decide whether or not to grant Upsolver permission to:

This will allow for the creation and management of Athena tables for Athena outputs created in Upsolver.

3. Check Create a Dedicated Upsolver User. This option must be selected.

4. Check Create a Dedicated Upsolver Bucket to create a new bucket in your account that will be the default bucket Upsolver outputs and writes intermediate files to.

5. Select the region where you want to run the integration to create a VPC for Upsolver servers to run in your account.

6. Click Continue.

7. Click Launch Integration; you will be directed to a CloudFormation stack page to create the necessary resources.

8. At the bottom of the page, check the I acknowledge statement and then click Create stack.

9. Wait for the stack creation status to change from CREATE_IN_PROGRESS to CREATE_COMPLETE.

10. Return to the Upsolver tab and wait for the integration window to indicate that the integration is complete (The Relaunch Integration button will change to Done).

11. Click Done.

You can now work in Upsolver.

Last updated

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