Microsoft Azure Storage data output

This article provides an introduction to Microsoft Azure Storage along with a guide on how to create a Microsoft Azure Storage data output using Upsolver.

What is Microsoft Azure Blob storage?

Azure Blob storage is Microsoft's object storage solution for the cloud. Blob storage is optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data, such as text or binary data.

Core storage services offer a massively scalable object store for data objects, disk storage for Azure virtual machines (VMs), a file system service for the cloud, a messaging store for reliable messaging, and a NoSQL store. These services are durable and highly available, secure, scalable, managed and accessible.

Create a Microsoft Azure Storage data output

1. Go to the Outputs page and click New.

2. Select Microsoft Azure Storage as your output type.

3. Name your output and select whether the output should be Tabular or Hierarchical. After adding your Data Sources, click Next.

Click Properties to review this output's properties. See: Output properties

How many of the events in this data source include this field, expressed as a percentage (e.g. 20.81%).

The percentage distribution of the field values. These distribution values can be exported by clicking Export.

The number of fields in the selected hierarchy.

Toggle from UI to SQL at any point to view the corresponding SQL code for your selected output.

You can also edit your output directly in SQL. See: Transform with SQL

7. Add any required calculated fields and review them in the Calculated Fields tab. See: Adding calculated fields

8. Add any required lookups and review them under the Calculated Fields tab.

9. Through the Filters tab, add a filter like WHERE in SQL to the data source. See: Adding filters

10. Click Make Aggregated to turn the output into an aggregated output. Read the warning before clicking OK and then add the required aggregation. This aggregation field will then be added to the Schema tab. See: Aggregation functions

11. In the Aggregation Calculated Fields area under the Calculated Fields tab, add any required calculated fields on aggregations. See: Functions, Aggregation functions

Click Preview at any time to view a preview of your current output.

12. Click Run and fill out the following fields:

See: Running an output

13. Click Next and complete the following:

Select the compute cluster to run the calculation on. Alternatively, click the drop-down and create a new compute cluster.

14. Finally, click Deploy to run the output. It will show as Running in the output panel and is now live in production and consumes compute resources.

You have now successfully created an output to Microsoft Azure Storage.

Last updated