Amazon S3

This article describes how to create and maintain connections to your Amazon S3 bucket.

Amazon S3 connections have a wide variety of uses in Upsolver. As with other connection types, they can be used to read your data and/or write transformed data to a specified location. However, unlike other types, Amazon S3 connections also serve as a storage location for the underlying files for your Upsolver-managed tables as well as the intermediate files used while running a job.

This means that even if you don't intend to write to an Amazon S3 bucket as a target location, you should still have an Amazon S3 connection that has write permissions to an Amazon S3 bucket.

An Amazon S3 connection is created by default when you deploy Upsolver on your AWS account. See the guide to Deploy Upsolver on AWS for more information.

Create an Amazon S3 connection

Simple example

An Amazon S3 connection can be created very simply as follows:

CREATE S3 CONNECTION my_s3_connection;

The connection in this example is created based on the default credentials derived from Upsolver's integration with your AWS account.

Full example

The following example creates an Amazon S3 connection but explicitly configures the credentials by providing a specific role:

    AWS_ROLE = 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/upsolver-sqlake-role'
    PATH_DISPLAY_FILTERS = ('s3://bucket1/', 's3://bucket2/folder-path/')
    ENCRYPTION_KMS_KEY = 'arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab'
    COMMENT = 'My new S3 connection';

To establish a connection with specific permissions, you can configure the AWS_ROLE and EXTERNAL_ID options as per the example above, or you can configure the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY options to provide the credentials to read from your bucket. When creating a new connection, Upsolver automatically tries to list the bucket and prefixes to allow users to discover their data. This validates that the permissions are defined correctly.

Additionally, you can limit the list of buckets displayed within your catalog by providing a list of paths to display using PATH_DISPLAY_FILTER[S].

All connections have read and write permissions by default but you can easily create a connection with read-only access by setting READ_ONLY to true.

The options ENCRYPTION_KMS_KEY or ENCRYPTION_CUSTOMER_MANAGED_KEY can be used to configure your bucket's encryption.

Finally, by using the COMMENT option, you can add a description for your connection.

After creating the connection you can browse your Amazon S3 buckets and prefixes from the navigation tree.

Alter an Amazon S3 connection

Many connection options are considered mutable, meaning that in some cases, you need only run a SQL command to alter an existing Amazon S3 connection, rather than create a new one.

For example, take the Amazon S3 connection we created previously based on default credentials:

CREATE S3 CONNECTION my_s3_connection;

If you only need to change the connection's permissions, you can run the following command:

ALTER S3 CONNECTION my_s3_connection
    SET AWS_ROLE = 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/new-upsolver-role'; 

Note that some options such as READ_ONLY cannot be altered once the connection has been created.

Drop an Amazon S3 connection

If you no longer need a connection, you can easily drop it with the following SQL command:

DROP CONNECTION my_s3_connection; 

However, if existing tables or jobs are dependent upon the connection, the connection cannot be deleted.

Learn More

To discover which connection options are mutable, and to learn more about the options, please see the SQL command reference for Amazon S3.

Last updated