Schema detection and evolution

Schema detection

Data ingestion

When you create a table in SQLake to stage your data, you have the option of defining certain column names with specified types, or you can create the table with no columns defined at all.

Regardless, the COPY FROM job dynamically expands the staging table's columns list as new columns are encountered during ingestion and SQLake automatically infers the column type.

The primary difference between the explicitly defined columns and the dynamically added ones lies in how SQLake treats their data types when new data arrives in an unexpected type.

See Schema evolution.

Note that column names are case-insensitive. This means that if you have multiple columns with the same name in different cases (e.g. column_name, Column_Name, COLUMN_NAME, etc.), it is non-deterministic as to which column's data ends up in your table.

Data transformation

For SQLake transformation jobs writing to data lake tables, there is a job option ADD_MISSING_COLUMNS that allows you to configure whether or not the target table's column list should be dynamically expanded based on the data being written.

By default, this option is false, meaning that any column being written by the job must already be defined within the target table; otherwise, the job fails. This also means that you cannot have SELECT * within your transformation. The same thing applies to jobs writing to Snowflake tables, where ADD_MISSING_COLUMNS is not an available job option.

On the other hand, when ADD_MISSING_COLUMNS = TRUE, the target table's columns list expands as new columns are encountered in the same way as data ingestion.

Note that column names are case-insensitive. This means that if you have multiple columns with the same name in different cases (e.g. column_name, Column_Name, COLUMN_NAME, etc.), it is non-deterministic as to which column's data ends up in your table.

Schema evolution

Data ingestion

Unexpected data type

There are times when you may have unexpected values arrive in your raw data; for example, the values in your staging table's nettotal column have historically all been doubles, but suddenly the nettotal from a new event that arrives is instead a string.

If you had explicitly defined the nettotal column type to be double when creating the staging table, then the column type does not change and the new event's nettotal shows up as null when you query the data.

However, SQLake stores all of your data in its original type; this means that you are able to recover the null value by creating a transformation job that casts the nettotal column to a string.

If this nettotal column had not been explicitly defined and was instead dynamically added through SQLake's schema detection where the data type was inferred, in this case, the nettotal column is automatically upcast to be a string instead of a double.

The order of SQLake's upcast is as follows:


Note that to have a decimal type column, it must be defined when creating the table; SQLake does not infer data to be of that type.

Additionally, if a column contains boolean values as well as date or timestamp values, then the column is upcast directly to a string as there is not appropriate cast between them.

Column name change

As mentioned earlier, column names in SQLake are case insensitive. This means that if you have multiple columns with the same name in different cases (e.g. column_name, Column_Name, COLUMN_NAME, etc.), it is non-deterministic as to which column's data ends up in your table.

However, this also means that for any column name changes in your raw data, so long as it is only a case-wise change (e.g. from column_name to Column_Name), then your staging table remains unaffected.

If the change is beyond a case change (e.g. from column_name to columnname), then it is added as a new column in your staging table.

Note that you can easily combine these old and new columns by using COALESCE in a transformation job.

Data transformation

Unexpected data type

When performing a simple select in your transformation job (meaning that a column is only selected without having any additional transformations applied), data that arrives in an unexpected type is handled the same way as for staging jobs.

Take for example the case where values in your nettotal column have historically all been doubles, but suddenly the nettotal from a new event that arrives is instead a string.

If you had explicitly defined the nettotal column type to be double when creating the target table, then the column type does not change and the new event's nettotal shows up as null when you query the data.

However, SQLake stores all of your data in its original type, meaning that you are able to recover the null value by casting the nettotal column to a string in another transformation job.

If this nettotal column had not been explicitly defined and was instead dynamically added through SQLake's schema detection where the data type was inferred, in this case, the nettotal column is automatically upcast to be a string instead of a double.

The order of SQLake's upcast is as follows:


Note that to have a decimal type column, it must be defined when creating the table; SQLake does not infer data to be of that type.

Additionally, if a column contains boolean values as well as date or timestamp values, then the column is upcast directly to a string as there is no appropriate cast between them.

However, in the case where columns that receive unexpected values have additional transformations applied on top of them, SQLake's behavior differs slightly. This is due to the fact that certain transformations expect certain data types.

Looking again at our nettotal column example, let's say that the transformation job contains ABS(nettotal). Even if the nettotal column type had not been explicitly defined (meaning that SQLake would typically upcast it to a string due to the new data that arrived), since the ABS function requires a numeric input, SQLake continues to cast the data as a double in order to perform the transformation.

Last updated