Structural functions

This section describes the following structural functions:

  • FROM_KEY_VALUE: Maps a list of key values to a record with fields for each key

  • GET_RANGE: Returns range of numbers between start and end (inclusive)

  • JOIN_ALL_BY_KEY: Combines multiple key value arrays into one by the keys

  • JSON_PATH: Extracts data from JSON objects

  • JSON_TO_RECORD: Extracts data from JSON objects

  • MAP_WITH_INDEX: Outputs an index and a value field. Index contains a zero based index, and value contains the value in the input field

  • QUERY_STRING_TO_RECORD: Extracts data from query string

  • RECORD_TO_JSON: Converts the record containing the field to a Json string

  • SORT_BY: Sorts the values array by the sortKeys array.

  • TO_ARRAY: Outputs all the values from all the inputs as an array

  • ZIP: Combines multiple arrays by index into records

  • ZIP_WITH_INDEX: Combines multiple arrays by index into records

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