SQL Server setup guide

Follow these steps to use SQL Server as your source.

Prerequisite - Configure SQL Server for CDC

Upsolver supports ingesting CDC data from relational databases including SQL Server. Upsolver provides CDC capabilities by running a Debezium Engine under the hood. Connectors detect and ingest changes automatically.

Prerequisite: Follow the linked guide to prepare SQL Server for CDC.

Step 1 - Connect to your SQL Server

Select an existing SQL Server connection, or create a new one.

Create a new SQL Server connection

Connection String

Enter your connection string in the following format:



  • HOST - the hostname or IP address of the SQL Server instance you want to connect to, for example, ms-sqlserver-1.myendpoint.

  • DatabaseName - the name of the database you want to connect to. The above example uses MyDb; replace this with the name of the database you want to work with.

For further connection options, visit Microsoft SQL Server JDBC URI documentation.

Username and Password

Provide the username and password to authenticate to the database.

Step 2 - Select schemas, tables, and columns to ingest

There are two ways to replicate objects to the target:

  1. Manually select the schemas, tables, and columns.

  2. Use regular expressions to specify which tables are included and which columns are excluded.

The following examples show how to use a regular expression to include specific tables:



Select all tables in the schema_name schema.

schema_name.users, schema_name.items

Select users and items tables in the schema_name schema.


Select all tables in the schema_name schema that start with items_.

By default, Upsolver ingests all columns in the tables that match the regular expression. Below are examples of regular expressions to exclude columns from included tables:



Select all columns starting with address_ in the users table in the schema_name schema.


Select all columns ending in _pii across all tables in the schema_name schema.

Schema evolution

By default, new schemas, tables, and columns added after the job is launched, will be replicated to the target.

You can overwrite the default behavior and set specific behavior for newly created schemas, tables in a specific schema, or columns in a specific table.

Last updated