Amazon CloudWatch

To export monitoring data from your Upsolver account, you must first create a connection that provides the appropriate credentials to access your Amazon CloudWatch.


CREATE CLOUDWATCH CONNECTION <connection_identifier>
        { AWS_ROLE = '<role_arn>'
          EXTERNAL_ID = '<external_id>'
        | AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<key_id>'
          AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '<key>' } ]
    REGION = '<region>'
    [ COMMENT = '<comment>' ];

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Connection Options

AWS_ROLE — editable

Type: text

(Optional) The AWS IAM role ARN. Used in conjunction with EXTERNAL_ID.

If omitted, the role created when integrating Upsolver with the AWS account is used.

EXTERNAL_ID — editable

Type: text

(Optional) The external ID of the role to assume. Used in conjunction with AWS_ROLE.

If omitted, the role created when integrating Upsolver with the AWS account is used.

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID — editable

Type: text

(Optional) The AWS access key ID. Used in conjunction with AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

If omitted, the role created when integrating Upsolver with the AWS account is used.


Type: text

(Optional) The AWS secret key corresponds to the provided AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.

If omitted, the role created when integrating Upsolver with the AWS account is used.


Type: text

The AWS region to use.

COMMENT — editable

Type: text

(Optional) A description or comment regarding this connection.


Create a connection

The following example creates a new connection named my_cloudwatch_connection that will be used to send monitoring information to CloudWatch.

CREATE CLOUDWATCH CONNECTION my_cloudwatch_connection
    AWS_ROLE = 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/upsolver-sqlake-role'
    REGION = 'us-east-1'
    COMMENT = 'CloudWatch connection for Upsolver metrics';

Create a job

The following script creates a job named send_monitoring_data_to_cloudwatch that sends cluster metrics to the CloudWatch account my_cloudwatch_connection created in the above example:

CREATE JOB send_monitoring_data_cloudwatch 
AS INSERT INTO my_cloudwatch_connection 
    NAMESPACE = 'upsolver'
          SELECT utilization_percent AS utilization_percent,
              tasks_in_queue AS tasks_in_queue,
              memory_load_percent AS memory_load_percent,
              cluster_id AS tags.cluster_id,
              cluster_name AS tags.cluster_name,
              RUN_START_TIME() AS time
       FROM system.monitoring.clusters;

The job writes to the upsolver namespace in the CloudWatch account and includes the cluster_id and cluster_name as tags, which is helpful if you have multiple clusters in your organization.

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