Date & Time

This section describes the following date and time functions:


Add a timezone offset to a date. The timezone offset can be in any of the standard formats accepted by Java's ZoneId.of method (America/New_York, +0200, etc.)

Casts string to date

Adds an interval value of type unit to timestamp. Subtraction can be performed by using a negative value

Returns timestamp2 - timestamp1 expressed in terms of unit

Truncate a date to a given unit

Returns the day of the month from the timestamp

Returns the ISO day of the week from the timestamp. values range from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday)

Returns the day of the year from timestamp. values range from 1 to 366

Convert a date or timestamp string to a date or timestamp, autodetecting the date format

Convert a datetime into a string

Parses the ISO 8601 formatted string into a date

Convert epoch seconds to a timestamp

Returns the hour of the day from a timestamp. Values range from 0 to 23

Returns the millisecond of the second from the timestamp

Returns the minute of the hour from the timestamp

Returns the month of the year from the timestamp

Returns the quarter of the year from the timestamp. Values range from 1 to 4

Returns the job execution end time

Returns the job execution start time

Returns the second of the minute from the timestamp

Subtract a timezone offset from a date. The timezone offset can be in any of the standard formats accepted by Java's ZoneId.of method (America/New_York, +0200, etc)

Convert a date to its Epoch (Unix) seconds representation, with fractional milliseconds

Convert a date to its Epoch (Unix) seconds representation

Convert a date to its Epoch (Unix) seconds representation

Returns the ISO week of the year from the timestamp. Values range from 1 to 53

Returns the year from the timestamp

Returns the year of ISO week from the timestamp

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