
This page describes how to create and maintain connections to your MongoDB database.

Before ingesting your data from MongoDB, you must establish a connection to your database.

Please read the Connection String URI Format documentation for further information.

Create a MongoDB connection

Simple example

A MongoDB connection can be created as follows:

CREATE MONGODB CONNECTION my_mongodb_connection
  CONNECTION_STRING = 'mongodb+srv://'
  USER_NAME = '<user_name>'
  PASSWORD = '<password>';

Alter a MongoDB connection

Some connection options are considered mutable, meaning that in some cases, you can run a SQL command to alter an existing MongoDB connection rather than create a new one.

To change the database you are connecting to but keep everything else the same without having to create an entirely new connection, you can run the following command:

ALTER MONGODB CONNECTION my_mongodb_connection
    SET CONNECTION_STRING = 'mongodb+srv://'

Drop a MongoDB connection

If you no longer need a connection you can easily drop it with the following SQL command:

DROP CONNECTION my_mongodb_connection;

However, note that if existing tables or jobs depend upon the connection, the connection cannot be dropped.

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